Alrighty, so whats new with me?
I got a job, I think I mentioned that. I'm doing my last training day on Monday and then i get payed sucks.
Boys have been non-existent although I have found myself having dreams about this you tuber... its weird.
Friends have been good but I feel like we're all kind of drifting apart, and then when we hang out we totally reconnect and then i feel we drift apart again, I don't know is that just me?
I want to now talk about something amazing, SHOPPING.
I am one of those people who goes and buys stuff and then wants more. Greedy yes, but I do very much appreciate everything I have. I know I am very fortunate.
So, now that i have an income I am making a list of things I need.
Would you like to read about it? Of course you would.
Jeans, seeing as I gave half of my jeans to my little cousin I'm running low.. I need like 5 pairs
Sweaters, Its getting cool out and most of my sweaters are a few years old. The zippers are breaking and I need another 4 or 5
Hats, I don't have very many hats right now but I think I could be a big hat person, so I want a few hats to try it out.
Lingerie, no specific reason other then I need new bras because my boobs grew and I want some sexier underwear.
Sunglasses, although yes, its winter now when I go driving I hate having the sun in my eyes and I am all out of sunglasses... I break them allot.
Purses, I need two purses, one HUGE one and one large one because I need one to bring to work and carry my uniform, cash, cell, water, perfume, makeup and everything and the larger one because allot of my purses are outdated.
Dress, I love finding dresses around this time of year so I am commanding myself to find at least 2 dressy yet casual dresses that are good for winter, and then one that's good for spring or summer.
Bath stuff, from Lush or Bath and Body Works, fun smelling body wash and soap!
Room decorations, Christmas stuff and new furniture. I love the whole black furniture look or the old classic stuff.
New Ipod, my old one is 5 years old and I am tired of having to turn it off ten times before it listens to me...
I think thats all I need right now and I plan on getting everything on my list in the nxt 6 months. Furniture being last because its super expensive. I will possibly keep you updated if I remember.
Anyways I would love to hear your shopping list and whatnot
OHH i shoudl do a christmas wishlist at the beginning of december...keep in mind its a wishlist so i wont get everything on it. Im not spoiled believe me! I work for everything I have
Im a teenage girl living the typical teenage life. School, friends, boys and all the drama that comes along with that. You are invited along for the ride.
About Me

- TeenLife
- I am a teenage girl living the typical teenage life. School, friends, boys and drama. I will update you on my life and all the drama that comes along with it. Mostly boys of late because my friends and I dont really have the whole drama issue
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Life Update...always fun
So, instead of Facebook stalking cute guys...ha ha...joke???? I am focusing on school and work.
I just got a job and Im super excited for it. Because of scheduling reasons and everything I don't know when I start yet but hopefully soon!!!
Other then that i have focused on school and HALLOWEEN.
And...there is this sorta guy thing situation whatever...that made sense in my head.
A guy I've known for like ten years who moved away a few years ago, not far but like half an hour. He and I have been reconnecting.
THIS is where guys confuse me....
For the first two weeks we were texting and doing nightly phone calls and everything and he initiated almost all of them. Now we don't text more then once or twice a week and we also don't do phone calls very often.
Now, im not very broken up about this which is how I can tell if I REALLY like someone...I don't REALLY like this guy. He's sweet and protective and listens and is everything good
(Except he does light drugs, but no matter what drug he does it bothers me a fucking LOT!)
Even though he has amazing qualities doesn't mean Im gonna like him more then my last guy who pulled me around and played me, and I don't. Its weird we all say we want the good guy but they just aren't as interesting.
I think I need a good, hot, guy who can make me laugh not because he's making fun of someone but because we find humor in the most random places... and someone who i trust with my life and who keeps me on my toes but makes me feel safe.
Is it too much to ask to find a guy who has all this and takes care of himself? Someone who goes to the gym, gets hair cuts, eats right, acts like a man and ya know...showers!
Sure, it sounds mean to say that the guy has to be attractive but its what makes me notice a guy. Its what makes me want to see if he can make me laugh until I cry and talk all night to him about my greatest fears and dreams...
Man I am so tired today its honestly ridiculous!!! My eyes are fogging over as I type this. I think im going to go to bed now. NIGHT
I just got a job and Im super excited for it. Because of scheduling reasons and everything I don't know when I start yet but hopefully soon!!!
Other then that i have focused on school and HALLOWEEN.
And...there is this sorta guy thing situation whatever...that made sense in my head.
A guy I've known for like ten years who moved away a few years ago, not far but like half an hour. He and I have been reconnecting.
THIS is where guys confuse me....
For the first two weeks we were texting and doing nightly phone calls and everything and he initiated almost all of them. Now we don't text more then once or twice a week and we also don't do phone calls very often.
Now, im not very broken up about this which is how I can tell if I REALLY like someone...I don't REALLY like this guy. He's sweet and protective and listens and is everything good
(Except he does light drugs, but no matter what drug he does it bothers me a fucking LOT!)
Even though he has amazing qualities doesn't mean Im gonna like him more then my last guy who pulled me around and played me, and I don't. Its weird we all say we want the good guy but they just aren't as interesting.
I think I need a good, hot, guy who can make me laugh not because he's making fun of someone but because we find humor in the most random places... and someone who i trust with my life and who keeps me on my toes but makes me feel safe.
Is it too much to ask to find a guy who has all this and takes care of himself? Someone who goes to the gym, gets hair cuts, eats right, acts like a man and ya know...showers!
Sure, it sounds mean to say that the guy has to be attractive but its what makes me notice a guy. Its what makes me want to see if he can make me laugh until I cry and talk all night to him about my greatest fears and dreams...
Man I am so tired today its honestly ridiculous!!! My eyes are fogging over as I type this. I think im going to go to bed now. NIGHT
Monday, October 4, 2010
Moving On
I find, now this is just me, but I find that it takes me a while to stop obsessing and liking people who I had strong feelings for. I cannot merely eat ice cream, cry for a night and move on. For instance, the last guy who screwed me over, I liked him for two weeks and it took me two weeks to move on and stop asking my friends what he was doing.
Now I am over it. He can date who he wants and do what he wants and I dont really care. I think the fact that guys can screw us royaly and we still have feelings for them (IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!) is amazing. It goes against everything strong women believe. If someone screws us over to such a huge extent, we should cut them off and not care what or WHO they do. Yet for boys, its a different story. We still care, and if not in a caring way an obsessive keep them away from everyone else way. Strange.
I do want to mention something happy though. And before I do, I want to say nothing is happening yet, and I will not go into detail because whenever I tell you about a pre-mature thing I jinx it!
I found a new crush. We flirt, and its nice.
Thats as far as Im taking that until it progresses.
He said he was going to take me out.
So, I want to know, has anything like this happened to you, you take forever to move on or do you just move on in an instant? Lemme know!
Now I am over it. He can date who he wants and do what he wants and I dont really care. I think the fact that guys can screw us royaly and we still have feelings for them (IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!) is amazing. It goes against everything strong women believe. If someone screws us over to such a huge extent, we should cut them off and not care what or WHO they do. Yet for boys, its a different story. We still care, and if not in a caring way an obsessive keep them away from everyone else way. Strange.
I do want to mention something happy though. And before I do, I want to say nothing is happening yet, and I will not go into detail because whenever I tell you about a pre-mature thing I jinx it!
I found a new crush. We flirt, and its nice.
Thats as far as Im taking that until it progresses.
He said he was going to take me out.
So, I want to know, has anything like this happened to you, you take forever to move on or do you just move on in an instant? Lemme know!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Not About Boys
So i have re-read all of my posts and I realize something...I make no fucking sense in alot of them.
I have to stop writing to you guys when Im overtired or super pissed cuz then I am slamming my keyboard and typing as fast as I can and its just not good.
So, I am going to make this post a life update, not about boys WHAT SO EVER!
So, school is going really well, I am really ahead and I think thats going to help me graduate early.
This week is very exciting because me and some friends are going shopping at a little mall outside of our town. Its kinda small and has minimal stores, but it has all the good stores.
Im looking for a job because now that Ive taken three pre-something classes I can get a bunch of credits through working so thats fun.
Friends have been great, I dont usually have any great drama with friends so Its not really ever a huge deal.
Uhm, my puppy is getting older and biting alot so we have to get him a muzzle or something because hes been biting kids lately and thats really unacceptable.
Im also looking forward to repainting my room. Im thinking a really pretty aqua blue and a rome theme. Ya know, art and food and yummy stuff. Rome, Paris or New York are all acceptable themes for me and my style.
Okay, So I have written a nice long update blog about life and boys have not been mentioned so thats great!
ALSO- TO MY FOLLOWERS AND VIEWERS PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! Im really getting bored of updating and getting 0 feedback. Honestly!
And just to clear up confusion which I got from rereading my blogs. I said I was 3 years younger then the 18 year old guy, I was wrong, I thought he was a few years older then he was so my not 15.
And, yea. I think thats all I have to say right about now and Ill update when I have more news for yall!
I have to stop writing to you guys when Im overtired or super pissed cuz then I am slamming my keyboard and typing as fast as I can and its just not good.
So, I am going to make this post a life update, not about boys WHAT SO EVER!
So, school is going really well, I am really ahead and I think thats going to help me graduate early.
This week is very exciting because me and some friends are going shopping at a little mall outside of our town. Its kinda small and has minimal stores, but it has all the good stores.
Im looking for a job because now that Ive taken three pre-something classes I can get a bunch of credits through working so thats fun.
Friends have been great, I dont usually have any great drama with friends so Its not really ever a huge deal.
Uhm, my puppy is getting older and biting alot so we have to get him a muzzle or something because hes been biting kids lately and thats really unacceptable.
Im also looking forward to repainting my room. Im thinking a really pretty aqua blue and a rome theme. Ya know, art and food and yummy stuff. Rome, Paris or New York are all acceptable themes for me and my style.
Okay, So I have written a nice long update blog about life and boys have not been mentioned so thats great!
ALSO- TO MY FOLLOWERS AND VIEWERS PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! Im really getting bored of updating and getting 0 feedback. Honestly!
And just to clear up confusion which I got from rereading my blogs. I said I was 3 years younger then the 18 year old guy, I was wrong, I thought he was a few years older then he was so my not 15.
And, yea. I think thats all I have to say right about now and Ill update when I have more news for yall!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Its always their fault
Am I cursed?
Is it my problem?
Is there something wrong with me?
Will I ever find a guy who isn't a big shit face?
Uh...god...boys can all suck a dick right now. They all suck at the moment and they can all go die.
Ok, so me and the guy hung out... ya know the guy...from the last post. the first actual nice guy bla bla bla, scrap that, forget it. I was wrong.
Okay, I would like to know how guys are able to fool girls? I consider myself smart. Im paranoid about everything, so I should have seen this coming right? Well I didn't.
Wanna know what happened? Well, Okay!
So we hung out on Thursday last week and we were walking around town, went to MAC's to get an energy drink and then walked to the field, arms around each other... He gave me a piggy back and touched my butt and we walked and walked.
We got to the high school and went to the back where there is a big field and a open shack where people can go sit. So he led me there and we went and sat, and talked and sat and talked and whatever. Then I wqas telling him a story and I was mid sentence when he turned my head towards him, i was still talking at this point and then he leans forward and jams his tongue to the back of my throat. Awesome. Now, I realized that this was awkward and simply a terrible kiss but I was still weirdly excited because i really liked him. So he obviously thought it was great because he went in four more times for more kisses.
Then we went to the front of the school where I got picked up because my car was at home. He kissed my forehead and gave me a long hug and I was really giddy. I went through the night in my mind and aside from the kiss it was awesome.
I kept focusing on that kiss, thinking oh god was i bad? No i wasn't bad, but he was kinda bad, oh god that was awkward I hope we can practice that, oh what if he thinks it was because of me that it was bad? Why would he kiss me four more times if he thought it was bad...and so on.
So we texted that night and he was like it was fun gotta hang out again bla bla.
Anyways, so we don't talk over the weekend or anything, I text him, response. Thats fine, he's busy.
So i hear on wednesday he's going around telling people I don't know how to kiss and he is not texting me ever again. Awesome. I love boys so much.
Apparently its also going around that we had sex. So thats extra fun.
The thing that gets me is that he is the only guy who has ever treated me like this, made me like him a lot then totally became the bad guy. I wasn't prepared and I let down my walls.
I hate him a lot, but I think im going to continue to let my walls down, because i've been guarded for awhile and thats not any way to go through life.
And as people say, if it doesn't work, it wasn't ment to be and there are BILLIONS of other people out there for you! Why stress over just one. Im not actually sad or mad at all anymore, I was for the day I heard about it but I don't care now, honestly I don't. I just want to focus on finding the right guy for me at this point in my life.
isn't that what we all want? yes.
Is it my problem?
Is there something wrong with me?
Will I ever find a guy who isn't a big shit face?
Uh...god...boys can all suck a dick right now. They all suck at the moment and they can all go die.
Ok, so me and the guy hung out... ya know the guy...from the last post. the first actual nice guy bla bla bla, scrap that, forget it. I was wrong.
Okay, I would like to know how guys are able to fool girls? I consider myself smart. Im paranoid about everything, so I should have seen this coming right? Well I didn't.
Wanna know what happened? Well, Okay!
So we hung out on Thursday last week and we were walking around town, went to MAC's to get an energy drink and then walked to the field, arms around each other... He gave me a piggy back and touched my butt and we walked and walked.
We got to the high school and went to the back where there is a big field and a open shack where people can go sit. So he led me there and we went and sat, and talked and sat and talked and whatever. Then I wqas telling him a story and I was mid sentence when he turned my head towards him, i was still talking at this point and then he leans forward and jams his tongue to the back of my throat. Awesome. Now, I realized that this was awkward and simply a terrible kiss but I was still weirdly excited because i really liked him. So he obviously thought it was great because he went in four more times for more kisses.
Then we went to the front of the school where I got picked up because my car was at home. He kissed my forehead and gave me a long hug and I was really giddy. I went through the night in my mind and aside from the kiss it was awesome.
I kept focusing on that kiss, thinking oh god was i bad? No i wasn't bad, but he was kinda bad, oh god that was awkward I hope we can practice that, oh what if he thinks it was because of me that it was bad? Why would he kiss me four more times if he thought it was bad...and so on.
So we texted that night and he was like it was fun gotta hang out again bla bla.
Anyways, so we don't talk over the weekend or anything, I text him, response. Thats fine, he's busy.
So i hear on wednesday he's going around telling people I don't know how to kiss and he is not texting me ever again. Awesome. I love boys so much.
Apparently its also going around that we had sex. So thats extra fun.
The thing that gets me is that he is the only guy who has ever treated me like this, made me like him a lot then totally became the bad guy. I wasn't prepared and I let down my walls.
I hate him a lot, but I think im going to continue to let my walls down, because i've been guarded for awhile and thats not any way to go through life.
And as people say, if it doesn't work, it wasn't ment to be and there are BILLIONS of other people out there for you! Why stress over just one. Im not actually sad or mad at all anymore, I was for the day I heard about it but I don't care now, honestly I don't. I just want to focus on finding the right guy for me at this point in my life.
isn't that what we all want? yes.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Moving on Happily.
Ok, so now I have found a guy. An actual guy who I really like alot. No, it isnt the guy from my last post, the one who is hot and 18 and stuff. This guy is an actual boyfriend possibility.
We met through a friend who used to like him and as the girl code states, I made sure it was okay with her several times! she was quite insistant that we date actually.
So we hung out today and we had been texting before...R texting if ya know what Im saying ;)
It was amazing. Granted it was chilly and I totally did not dress from cold or even nippy weather, it was still awesome.
So you want the skinny on what happened? Well, okay!
We met at the library, went for a walk, bought stuff at a convience store, went for a walk, ended up at a feild where there were a few families and stuff playing far away.
heres the kicker....we kissed! It was an amazing kiss. It caught me by surprise though because we were talking about littering or something that he like leaned his head down to my level cuz hes really tall and i moved in and kissed him. Its kind of hard getting a rhythm when its your first kiss but by our second time it was alot more natural.
He is really nice and fun and Im able to talk to him. There is something in the back of my head thats saying dont go there, but I think its because I have trust issues.
This one time in middle school, I really liked this guy so we were dating for like five minutes and this girl runs up to me and was like, you know so and so paid him five bucks. I was like...haha really...haha...this sucks thats fucking loser. So, ya trust issues.
But I think he could help me get over that.
Im n a giddy mood, and i have already bragged to like three people, and now Im bragging to you. :0
Much Love,
(I saw I have three followers now, so hello)
We met through a friend who used to like him and as the girl code states, I made sure it was okay with her several times! she was quite insistant that we date actually.
So we hung out today and we had been texting before...R texting if ya know what Im saying ;)
It was amazing. Granted it was chilly and I totally did not dress from cold or even nippy weather, it was still awesome.
So you want the skinny on what happened? Well, okay!
We met at the library, went for a walk, bought stuff at a convience store, went for a walk, ended up at a feild where there were a few families and stuff playing far away.
heres the kicker....we kissed! It was an amazing kiss. It caught me by surprise though because we were talking about littering or something that he like leaned his head down to my level cuz hes really tall and i moved in and kissed him. Its kind of hard getting a rhythm when its your first kiss but by our second time it was alot more natural.
He is really nice and fun and Im able to talk to him. There is something in the back of my head thats saying dont go there, but I think its because I have trust issues.
This one time in middle school, I really liked this guy so we were dating for like five minutes and this girl runs up to me and was like, you know so and so paid him five bucks. I was like...haha really...haha...this sucks thats fucking loser. So, ya trust issues.
But I think he could help me get over that.
Im n a giddy mood, and i have already bragged to like three people, and now Im bragging to you. :0
Much Love,
(I saw I have three followers now, so hello)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
And Again we go...
So that guy i mentioned last time who was chatting with me on facebook, met him. (hes a friend of a friend and he thinks im SO HOT) He is kinda a babe.
Do you notice that when I start to like someone they f it up? EXAMPLE!
There is this other guy, I cant remember if I talked about him and Im too lazy and too tired to go check so deal. Well we were gonna have a pants off dance off (name that reference) and then I told him there was absolutley no chance of sex whatsoever! he bailed.
Perhaps that wasnt because I started to like him but because he was a PIG!
Anyways me and this guy who I like sorta, not getting my hopes up this time though.
(If you notice my spelling and wording suck today cuz i am fucking overtired.)
Anyways we were like just talking about school and shit, and before that we were talking hanging out and how he scared the shit outta me today and my friend. Wont go into detail because it was funny after and kinda long.
The point is, we can transfer from a light subject to a serious subject and I havent had that in a long time.
Kinda refreshing.
I am entering at every new though; that means this is gonna be super long.
Tell ya how it works out as it progresses.
Night XOXO
Do you notice that when I start to like someone they f it up? EXAMPLE!
There is this other guy, I cant remember if I talked about him and Im too lazy and too tired to go check so deal. Well we were gonna have a pants off dance off (name that reference) and then I told him there was absolutley no chance of sex whatsoever! he bailed.
Perhaps that wasnt because I started to like him but because he was a PIG!
Anyways me and this guy who I like sorta, not getting my hopes up this time though.
(If you notice my spelling and wording suck today cuz i am fucking overtired.)
Anyways we were like just talking about school and shit, and before that we were talking hanging out and how he scared the shit outta me today and my friend. Wont go into detail because it was funny after and kinda long.
The point is, we can transfer from a light subject to a serious subject and I havent had that in a long time.
Kinda refreshing.
I am entering at every new though; that means this is gonna be super long.
Tell ya how it works out as it progresses.
Night XOXO
Monday, August 30, 2010
Lots to update on, so I will condense everything.
That nice guy, still nice but we were camping, he got drunk and was being super annoying. I think that i am looking for an excuse not to like him though because I'm doing what I do best and losing interest, and in record time. 2 weeks...whoo hoo?
Moving on, had a great time with friends in town and saw the movie EAT PRAY LOVE.
Really good, a little too long but still good. The ending is obvious but the characters are funny and some are relate able.
Now, a little insiht into my brain okay? When I lose interest in a guy who I was sort of involved with but wasnt officially dating, i have no feelings of regret if I move onto someone else. I feel nothing for my actions. Some of you are sound like a bitch, however I feel that life is too short to spare someones feelings. you have only you in this life and you have to do what you feel is right.
For example, if my parents pushed me to be a doctor and I wanted to be a dancer or janitor (I dont want to be any of these things) then I would be what I want to be and they would get over it.
Next subject...
Dont you love it when hot, older boys flirt with you on facebook. It always makes me feel special. This one guy and I are actually having a really good convo right now. There is a three year difference, but fuck it, who cares?
And lastly, how should I officially break off this fling with the nice guy, he said some things when he was drunk that pissed me off and I have way to much self respect for this shit, so while I have moved on, I like to officially end things so he doesnt think its just me PMSing.
Yes...I PMS. Deal. With. It.
Your whatever I said I was in the first post :)
That nice guy, still nice but we were camping, he got drunk and was being super annoying. I think that i am looking for an excuse not to like him though because I'm doing what I do best and losing interest, and in record time. 2 weeks...whoo hoo?
Moving on, had a great time with friends in town and saw the movie EAT PRAY LOVE.
Really good, a little too long but still good. The ending is obvious but the characters are funny and some are relate able.
Now, a little insiht into my brain okay? When I lose interest in a guy who I was sort of involved with but wasnt officially dating, i have no feelings of regret if I move onto someone else. I feel nothing for my actions. Some of you are sound like a bitch, however I feel that life is too short to spare someones feelings. you have only you in this life and you have to do what you feel is right.
For example, if my parents pushed me to be a doctor and I wanted to be a dancer or janitor (I dont want to be any of these things) then I would be what I want to be and they would get over it.
Next subject...
Dont you love it when hot, older boys flirt with you on facebook. It always makes me feel special. This one guy and I are actually having a really good convo right now. There is a three year difference, but fuck it, who cares?
And lastly, how should I officially break off this fling with the nice guy, he said some things when he was drunk that pissed me off and I have way to much self respect for this shit, so while I have moved on, I like to officially end things so he doesnt think its just me PMSing.
Yes...I PMS. Deal. With. It.
Your whatever I said I was in the first post :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Good Guy Finally.
Wow, okay so lots to tell. First, computer CRASHED and that sucked balls, but its okay now so i can stop stressing. however all of my files are gone, thanks!
Second, I went camping this weekend to an undisclosed location and it was AWESOME! its pretty much a field where all the same people go, parents, little kids and the teenagers...and the twenty some year olds who still think they're teenagers.
So we were camping and sitting around and then on Saturday night (which is now going down in history as the best day ever!) the party started. Okay, so the adults were all by the fire and the teens and 20ish people were all hanging around the field, talking and drinking and going through the garbage people had in their cars (I got a stuffed duck out of it) So by 11 o'clock I had had a cooler and a half, and some sips of other (trusted) peoples drinks (So i know they weren't spiked or anything) now im a pretty big light weight, so I was already tipsy, but that kind where you can still remember everything and control yourself, you just find everything HILARIOUS!
This is where the flirting starts. Me and this guy.... uh we can call him ACTUAL NICE GUY, or ANG for short.
So, me and ANG were talking (my parents were trying to hook us up cuz he's responsible and has a job even though hes a few years older.) so talking and flirting and looking at each other and thats as far as it went at that time.
Then I had a MIKES LEMONADE and a WOODY breezer and i was actually not that tipsy, (I think I'm getting good at this light drinking) and it got later and beer pong was played (I just watched) and everything like that happened. So by this point I have had drunk guys hitting on me and swearing at me and my parents have gone to bed. So me, and ANG and my friend who came camping with us all went to the park at the camp site. There is a sort of clubhouse thing in the park so we climbed that and I was shivering so I laid with ANG.
Now here is what I need all guys to do when lying with a girl. I started rubbing his back, and this is usually when guys start touching your ass right? Well not him, he kept in the back area. not upper nor lower then the back. it was incredible to me, I was sitting there tipsy and I couldn't believe it.
We then ended the night at 2 o'clock with a 20 second hug.
Wow. This could be good.
Your amazing blogger :P
Second, I went camping this weekend to an undisclosed location and it was AWESOME! its pretty much a field where all the same people go, parents, little kids and the teenagers...and the twenty some year olds who still think they're teenagers.
So we were camping and sitting around and then on Saturday night (which is now going down in history as the best day ever!) the party started. Okay, so the adults were all by the fire and the teens and 20ish people were all hanging around the field, talking and drinking and going through the garbage people had in their cars (I got a stuffed duck out of it) So by 11 o'clock I had had a cooler and a half, and some sips of other (trusted) peoples drinks (So i know they weren't spiked or anything) now im a pretty big light weight, so I was already tipsy, but that kind where you can still remember everything and control yourself, you just find everything HILARIOUS!
This is where the flirting starts. Me and this guy.... uh we can call him ACTUAL NICE GUY, or ANG for short.
So, me and ANG were talking (my parents were trying to hook us up cuz he's responsible and has a job even though hes a few years older.) so talking and flirting and looking at each other and thats as far as it went at that time.
Then I had a MIKES LEMONADE and a WOODY breezer and i was actually not that tipsy, (I think I'm getting good at this light drinking) and it got later and beer pong was played (I just watched) and everything like that happened. So by this point I have had drunk guys hitting on me and swearing at me and my parents have gone to bed. So me, and ANG and my friend who came camping with us all went to the park at the camp site. There is a sort of clubhouse thing in the park so we climbed that and I was shivering so I laid with ANG.
Now here is what I need all guys to do when lying with a girl. I started rubbing his back, and this is usually when guys start touching your ass right? Well not him, he kept in the back area. not upper nor lower then the back. it was incredible to me, I was sitting there tipsy and I couldn't believe it.
We then ended the night at 2 o'clock with a 20 second hug.
Wow. This could be good.
Your amazing blogger :P
Monday, August 9, 2010
That Desparate?
So since my last post I went camping with my cousin. I had one goal while I was there, find a hot guy and kiss him, well making out would have been better but I was intent on gettin some. haha.
So on the first day there this guy comes up to me and my cousin (my age, also female) with his cute friend and says, hey my friend thinks you guys are hot.
I say, awe thanks, but by this time the friend who was my first potential was leaving all embarrassed. I was PISSED.
So the current state of things is SUCKY
Then I see this how guy and I look and smile and wave and nope, he smiles and flirts but doesnt make a move.
Then this 13 year old boy was like hey where you guys from, we told them and left and he asked for our facebook we gave it and left then he played football infront of our camp ground and followed us to the beach. He was our mini stalker. It was like dude, either kiss me or leave...yes I was desparate
So on the first day there this guy comes up to me and my cousin (my age, also female) with his cute friend and says, hey my friend thinks you guys are hot.
I say, awe thanks, but by this time the friend who was my first potential was leaving all embarrassed. I was PISSED.
So the current state of things is SUCKY
Then I see this how guy and I look and smile and wave and nope, he smiles and flirts but doesnt make a move.
Then this 13 year old boy was like hey where you guys from, we told them and left and he asked for our facebook we gave it and left then he played football infront of our camp ground and followed us to the beach. He was our mini stalker. It was like dude, either kiss me or leave...yes I was desparate
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