About Me

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I am a teenage girl living the typical teenage life. School, friends, boys and drama. I will update you on my life and all the drama that comes along with it. Mostly boys of late because my friends and I dont really have the whole drama issue

Monday, August 9, 2010

That Desparate?

So since my last post I went camping with my cousin. I had one goal while I was there, find a hot guy and kiss him, well making out would have been better but I was intent on gettin some. haha.

So on the first day there this guy comes up to me and my cousin (my age, also female) with his cute friend and says, hey my friend thinks you guys are hot.

I say, awe thanks, but by this time the friend who was my first potential was leaving all embarrassed. I was PISSED.

So the current state of things is SUCKY

Then I see this how guy and I look and smile and wave and nope, he smiles and flirts but doesnt make a move.

Then this 13 year old boy was like hey where you  guys from, we told them and left and he asked for our facebook we gave it and left then he played football infront of our camp ground and followed us to the beach. He was our mini stalker. It was like dude, either kiss me or leave...yes I was desparate

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