About Me

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I am a teenage girl living the typical teenage life. School, friends, boys and drama. I will update you on my life and all the drama that comes along with it. Mostly boys of late because my friends and I dont really have the whole drama issue

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Good Guy Finally.

Wow, okay so lots to tell. First, computer CRASHED and that sucked balls, but its okay now so i can stop stressing. however all of my files are gone, thanks!

Second, I went camping this weekend to an undisclosed location and it was AWESOME! its pretty much a field where all the same people go, parents, little kids and the teenagers...and the twenty some year olds who still think they're teenagers. 
So we were camping and sitting around and then on Saturday night (which is now going down in history as the best day ever!)  the party started. Okay, so the adults were all by the fire and the teens and 20ish people were all hanging around the field, talking and drinking and going through the garbage people had in their cars (I got a stuffed duck out of it) So by 11 o'clock I had had a cooler and a half, and some sips of other (trusted) peoples drinks (So i know they weren't spiked or anything) now im a pretty big light weight, so I was already tipsy, but that kind where you can still remember everything and control yourself, you just find everything HILARIOUS!
This is where the flirting starts. Me and this guy.... uh we can call him ACTUAL NICE GUY, or ANG for short. 

So, me and ANG were talking (my parents were trying to hook us up cuz he's responsible and has a job even though hes a few years older.) so talking and flirting and looking at each other and thats as far as it went at that time.

Then I had a MIKES LEMONADE and a WOODY breezer and i was actually not that tipsy, (I think I'm getting good at this light drinking) and it got later and  beer pong was played (I just watched) and everything like that happened. So by this point I have had drunk guys hitting on me and swearing at me and my parents have gone to bed. So me, and ANG and my friend who came camping with us all went to the park at the camp site. There is a sort of clubhouse thing in the park so we climbed that and I was shivering so I laid with ANG. 

Now here is what I need all guys to do when lying with a girl. I started rubbing his back, and this is usually when guys start touching your ass right? Well not him, he kept in the back area. not upper nor lower then the back. it was incredible to me, I was sitting there tipsy and I couldn't believe it. 

We then ended the night at 2 o'clock with a 20 second hug.

Wow. This could be good. 

Your amazing blogger :P

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