About Me

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I am a teenage girl living the typical teenage life. School, friends, boys and drama. I will update you on my life and all the drama that comes along with it. Mostly boys of late because my friends and I dont really have the whole drama issue

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life Update...always fun

So, instead of Facebook stalking cute guys...ha ha...joke???? I am focusing on school and work. 

I just got a job and Im super excited for it. Because of scheduling reasons and everything I don't know when I start yet but hopefully soon!!!

Other then that i have focused on school and HALLOWEEN.

And...there is this sorta guy thing situation whatever...that made sense in my head.

A guy I've known for like ten years who moved away a few years ago, not far but like half an hour. He and I have been reconnecting. 

THIS is where guys confuse me....

For the first two weeks we were texting and doing nightly phone calls and everything and he initiated almost all of them. Now we don't text more then once or twice a week and we also don't do phone calls very often. 

Now, im not very broken up about this which is how I can tell if I REALLY like someone...I don't REALLY like this guy. He's sweet and protective and listens and is everything good 

(Except he does light drugs, but no matter what drug he does it bothers me a fucking LOT!)

Even though he has amazing qualities doesn't mean Im gonna like him more then my last guy who pulled me around and played me, and I don't. Its weird we all say we want the good guy but they just aren't as interesting.

I think I need a good, hot, guy who can make me laugh not because he's making fun of someone but because we find humor in the most random places... and someone who i trust with my life and who keeps me on my toes but makes me feel safe.

Is it too much to ask to find a guy who has all this and takes care of himself? Someone who goes to the gym, gets hair cuts, eats right, acts like a man and ya know...showers!

Sure, it sounds mean to say that the guy has to be attractive but its what makes me notice a guy. Its what makes me want to see if he can make me laugh until I cry and talk all night to him about my greatest fears and dreams...

Man I am so tired today its honestly ridiculous!!! My eyes are fogging over as I type this. I think im going to go to bed now. NIGHT

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